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Benefits at a Glance

Benefits at a Glance Benefits at a Glance

Everyone who is interested in leasing their property should advertise his/her accommodation where prospective tenants would look for it. The market of of Max-TD Internet network-guide ideally suits for this purpose. platform is provided for more successful leasing of your property and facilitating the possibility of establishing a direct contact between a landlord and an interested party. Here you will find information about a free test access for testing the functionality of controls of the user’s database to monitor your advertisement on the market.

The advantages of

- Individual presentation of your property object

- Representation with as many photos as you provide

- Full control over the content of your offer

- Possibility of changes of all data and images online using your customer login

- Online booking calendar with the vacancy inquiry

- Possibility of entry of different seasonal and special prices for your real estate

- Detailed description of the property object and of any extra costs

- Priority position in the search results

- The advertisement can be provided in different languages

- Exclusive free advertising on the regional and thematic portals of Max-TD Guide Network

- No booking fees – Direct Customer Contact

- Requests come to your personal email address

- Optionally your personal address, phone number, web-address, e-mail can be shown in your advertisement

- Link to your personal homepage

- Optimization in Search Engines

- Minimal contract period is 12 months. The fee is no refunded in case of early cancellation of a contract.

- Advertisement term can be extended at request, without additional setup fee

- Extensive e-mail support by our team


Genoa goes to Venice to win the regatta of ancient maritime republics
Genoa, Venice, Pisa and Amalfi are going to compete for the first place in the regatta of ancient maritime republics, which this year will be held on June 12 in Venice. The regatta is preceded by a spectacular large-scale Italian costumed show.
In Genoa will be opened a submarine museum
At the beginning of 2010 in Genoa will be opened a new sea museum. The exhibits will be placed inside the S-518 Nazario Sauro submarine. This will be the first water museum in Italy.
San Miniato will host the White Truffle Festival
Truffle Festival’s visitors will be able to taste the truffles with Italian wine, grappa, cheese and snails.